Saturday, 20 June 2009

why is it so hard to pray?

Why do Christians find it hard to pray?

I think prayer is not given the importance it deserves. When a church has a prayer meeting a fraction (often between 3-10) of its members turn up. Why is praying as a group such a problem in the minds of so many?

If we want the world to see Jesus, then as a church we need to pray, if not then the church will continue to decline - its guaranteed! Missions, evangelistic events, creative ministry, reflective services are all fine and good, but unless God is at work and we are working through prayer then they will have only little/local effect.

Prayer is the key, that is hanging in reach, but no one is prepared to try in the lock.

The question we must ask ourselves is why?

Sunday, 14 June 2009


Weeds are really annoying. Why is it that plants that you want to grow quickly, take their time, and weeds which you don't want to grow at all sprout up in days. One day the garden looks ok and the next it is overgrown.

It's the same with so much of life. If we take our eye off the ball, then everything suddenly changes.

We complain that no one want to go to church any more and speak as though this is a new problem. But it's not. We have not, as a church been very good at reaching out to people. Our worship has slowly changed (at least in some churches), the formality has slowly gone (at least in some churches) and the services are getting more interesting (at least in some churches). We rested too long on the garden seat and the weeds are now 6ft tall.

We may feel despair, but what is needed is for the gardener to do some weeding. We need to work with God to weed our world, so that the true plants begin to grow.

We need to focus on the plants and not on the weeds. We need to desire for God's plants to grow, and not become content with the weeds. We all have weeds that we like, but we need to remove them and make sure that God's plants are supported and encouraged to grow.

It will take time, just as it take time to bring a garden under control again, but we will get there, however long it takes. We are not gardening alone, we have the gardener helping us.